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I am very pleased to announce the addition of three new partners to our company.    These highly experienced long term care professionals include two licensed nursing home administrators and a Marketing/Admissions Development Specialist.     Our Vision and Mission is to provide our clients, through our experience, expertise, and key leadership recruitment, the tools and advice to improve the life quality and stability of client organizations, their residents, and staff.   Please meet the new team below! Rich Cleland  MPA, FACHE, NHA   is a nursing home Administrator licensed both in the states of New York and Florida.    Most recently he has served as Western Regional Director for the Elderwood Corporation, Buffalo, New York. He specializes in multi-facility oversight, facility turnarounds, Fiscal Process Improvement Programs, Administrator Training, Revenue Improvement, and Regulatory Compliance.


     One of the key aspects of our contract/consulting company is Recruitment.  I specialize in the long term care industry and most of my candidates are licensed nursing home administrators.

    Not to purposefully insult anyone, but you would think that an individual who is so well schooled and trained would understand the importance of how they should conduct themselves in a job interview, and how they should carry themselves.  Well, unfortunately that’s not always the case.  This is why I have been paying increased attention to preparing my candidates prior to their scheduled interviews.  

     If you are considering a career change, or are presently preparing for an up-coming interview, let me share with you some suggestions that I provide to my candidates which may help you, too:

     *  BE ON TIME!  Actually, be a little early.

     *  Dress the Part!  Don’t over dress, but I’m sorry, clothes do make the man or woman.

     *  Try to keep your mouth from flapping.  Within reason, say only what you need to say.


     *  NEVER criticize your present or former employers - EVER!  The best way to alienate potential employers is to bad mouth anyone.  They figure that you’ll do it to them some day.  

     *  Don’t fidget! 

     *  Try to politely turn the tables.  What I mean is this – go to the interview well prepared about the employer.  Try to learn everything you can about them.  Then carefully begin to interview your Interviewer.  Ask them questions; try to stay on the offensive as long as you can.  This will provide them with the impression that you are well prepared, forward thinking, and on your game.  Good qualities for a valuable employee, don’t you think?  

  •  Knock off the arrogance!  Talk to people the way you want to be talked to!  

     Unfortunately, I’ve lost a few placements because some of my candidates couldn’t seem to adhere to these simple rules.  Don’t let that happen to you!   


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